civil matters, not apprehending
violent criminalaps.
now, last but not least, it'st
important that we remember
foreign policy is domesticcy
we have politician.
we hs from bothanen
political parties who are
the permanent washington elitett
and who must be held
accountable for what they're
doing with our taxpayer dollarsa
and how they're undermining
our national security as they
push us closernd
and closer
to the brink or f nuclear
they need to sto
to the brip giving deman
a blank check to ukraineac
and demand accountability forco
of billions of dollars
that they've sent soso f
far because the blank checark, ,
it's not just for ukraine, it's
for the military industrial
complex.e mitary
industrial complex tha
who't s madehas made trillions s
off of our wars in afghanistan
in the middl
e east. n admi
now, the biden administration,
they want to hire
eighty seven thousanand new irso
agents to go ove or every receit
and every deducted of american
taxpayers with a...