which we proudly accept.
>> tucker: you vote for
a political party and you have
no right to expect they will do
everything you want or their
views will be the same as yours.
you may send them money.
but for a party just weeks after
taking office, the republicans
in the house, to flip 180
degrees on 2 of the biggest
topics in american life, that's
a middle finger right in your
face, isn't it?
a couple of examples.
the new chairman of the house
foreign affairs committee
michael mccall of texas
announced on cnn over the
weekend that any republican who
opposes sending billion dollars
more to ukraine needs to be
educated on why the borders in
ukraine matter more than our
borders here.
>> a lot of members of your
conference, fellow republicans
want to stop giving money to
should ukraine be worried that
the money will be stopped coming
from the u.s.?
>> no, there is enough support
on both side of the aisle the
majority in the democratic party
and in the republican party.