in the military.
this is a black lives matter
rally so i can check that box,
and i'm going to get re-elected
because this is about getting
this is a liberal city in texas
where this gives you credibility
with liberal voters on election
day and the fact that it
happened at a black lives matter
rally was all that mattered to
if this would have happened on a
random tuesday, probably would
be a free man right now.
this is a double whammy.
i get to nail a guy that wears a
uniform and claim that i'm a
woke liberal and i'm going to
get re-elected.
i think he should be pardoned.
i think he spent far too much
time in jail already.
i think he should hug his mother
again, family again as quickly
as the governor can pull this
off because this is an abuse of
>> emily: thank you so much for
sharing that personal
experience, ben, so sorry that
happened to you.
>> ben: it blows your mind when
it happens.
>> emily: as we're clear for the
facts here, victim was also an