who left that illegal alien in?
joe biden.
the man charged in her gruesome
murder set free by joe biden.
he's waging war against this
country by any definition.
everyone of these men at that
the border could all be deported
instantaneously but he's made it
will fill choice to set them
free in our country and all of a
sudden the consequences.
>> i want to ask you it's keep
on the topic of illegal
i want to ask you about this
bill that passed the house of
representatives and
representatives to keep
noncitizens from voting in
washington dc.
it did gain some democratic
support to pass the house.
o'soup happens.
we know it will happen but we'll
see what happens in the senate.
but perhaps the most no full
thing is how many democrats
voted against is bill.
in other words to allow
noncitizens to vote in
washington dc.
i know their arguments,
noncitizens voting is not a
problem and doesn't happen all
of a sudden they found some kind
of newfound religion of