grateful we are to be here.
answer but i am gagged but i
can't talk about this ridiculous
case hurting our country so
some of the reviews from
yesterday are -- everyone is
against this case.
i haven't seen one legal scholar
or expert in the law saying that
this case should have been
it should not have been filed.
it should have been filed seven
years ago.
it's seven years old.
federal elections turned it
southern district turned it
bragg turned it down and rejove
nighted it when i was running
for office.
at the request of biden.
the editors of the national
review say acquit trump.
bragg failed to prove his
totally failed.
gregg jarrett, who exactly was
voters who had already voted.
they already voted.
all of this stuff came in after
the election.
then you say what about hillary
with the dossier, what about all
the other things that go?
this is nothing.
this is nothing.
what about all of the
corruption, the voter fraud that
you've seen...