where's the failure?
>> i think that there are so
many variables in this equation.
they entered the country
illegally at that point they
shouldn't are been allowed into
the country.
send them them back.
the mechanism is the monitors.
i'm not sure if they had those
monitors on at the time of the
arrest yesterday i think that is
something that should be closely
monday towards.
ankle monitor on better way to
actually monitor their movements
until the next court appearance
takes place.
>> lawrence: how hard is it to
police what is happening here?
houston already has its own
problems here other countries
emptying their jails.
a lot of these people wanted in
their own country committing
acts of murder or rape or
whatever you want to call it.
now you have to deal with them
and still deal with the
criminals that are already in
the country in houston.
>> that is so correct.