year marks the first time that
all 93 counties in nebraska will
participate.25 delegates are up for grabs in
the stateith five more super
delegates added later.
vince powers is the chair of the
nebraska democratic party, and
he joins us this morning viaia
skype to talkbout what's
vince, thanks so much for being
with us this sunday morning.
>> thanks very much for having
us and taking time to discuss
the nebraska caucus.
>> nebraska's primary is coming
up may 5th.
i guess, tell our viers what
inspired the democrats to go
thisoute whe you will be back
to the polls in may..
>> we wanted to move primary up
to mid february.
to be two -- the end of george sh's second term.
it was an open seat, and we
thought it would be good for
nebraska replicans andnebraska demococrats to have anopportunity to help select the