political correspondent in
brussels and asked him if he
believes the crisis is now
behind us.
>> i don't know if a major part
is ahead of us.
the crisis is certainly not
behind us.
as one who stands on the
sidelines of these talks here in
brussels, you can see the same
old tensions.
the balance between severe
austerity and the need to give
incentives to the public to help
create wealth and growth.
that is what the public in
athens are protesting about --
too much austerity, not enough
incentive, not enough job
certainly, this is not behind
this economic crisis is much
where it was before.
that raises concerns for
countries such as portugal and
ireland, who are raising their
way out of the bailout syndrome.
if greece falls back, that could
spell trouble ahead.
>> staying with economic news
and german exports fell
unexpectedly in may.
suffering the steepest incline
in three and a half years -- in
3 1/2 years.