built in 165 b.c.
and dedicated to the god zeus
and goddess athena.
the frieze tells the story
of a violent battle
between the greek gods
and the giants,
the sons of mother earth.
only fragments remain,
but the drama and movement
still resonate.
another life-size
ancient treasure,
the gate of ishtar,
once led the way into babylon.
dated from the sixth
century b.c.,
the gate stood
over the sacred way
where processions
marched into the city.
imagine what a dazzling site
babylon appeared then,
rising from
the mesopotamian plain.
the lions are the sacred
animal of ishtar,
goddess of the sky and love.
the museuminsel
is in the heart of old berlin,
which is called
the mitte.
"mitte" means middle, and indeed
it is the center of the city.
but for 30 years,
the berlin wall
divided the mitte,