this awful kwame pushing
towards the caroline islands
at this time and really would
not be surprised if in on
the near future. this is a
typhoon already very well
developed. you see the very
symmetrical shape around it
that circulation flowing
around the center and that is
one of the things that were
to watch through the next
several days is that continue
to organize as it intensifies
pushing off their towards
the west now. it eventually
will be impact in
the philippines going into
friday we're talking about a
very dangerous storm system
when it does so before it
gets the reaction a few
islands is gonna pass over
there in awhile and also
league at the caroline
islands discourse to put
the keys to the philippines a
new cafe saying some pretty
high waves appear the sixty
meters high. not to mention a
hundred fifty millimeters of
rainfall the risk of storm
surge as it pushes overhead
by wednesday night thursday
then off course
the philippines and that is
the big threat out here were