it seemed unreal to him.
>> you can't really call it a
i was in the battle zone, but we
had no rifles.
we only had clubs, like on the
what can you do with clubs
against people who are fully
reporter: vladimir is tired of
living so far from home, and now
wants to return to the army.
he's heard it's finally gotten
more equipment.
before the war it never occurred
to him that he might one day be
a soldier.
he helped people.
he was a therapist for drug
but those days are long gone.
damien: difficult situation for
both sides of the conflict.
finally to the slovenian coast,
where since the middle ages salt
has been harvested by hand.
today salt is just something we
chuck on our fish and chips
along with the vinegar.
or at least we do where i come
but for thousands of years
empires were built on it.
and wars fought over it.
it was a precious commodity
which for slovenia was an
important source of wealth.