farming the lan.
the uc berkeley done want
uninvited getzs in an open air
>> a man running from the police
drone up a freeway offramp and
enclosedded with a car.
a woman passenger was taken to
the hospital.
police are still looking for the
pickup driver who refused to
pull over in a traffic stop.
>> alan: airlines are fighting d
adding on annoying fees and
>> ama: a while bat others
airline had a special lifetime
first class anywhere, anytime
pass, for one lump sum.
>> alan: today the airline says
the deal was too good to be try
for them.
here's the story.
>> this is australia.
>> steven is a frequent flier.
actually frequent doesn't begin
to describe it.
>> zurich, frank forward,
munich, france, all places went
to london, probably five or six
hundred trips.
>> hundreds?
>> hundreds.
>> in 1987 he bought an up
limited ticket on mental --