big crown, three-tiered crown.
>> tiara, right.
>> and it was a magnificent
ceremony of spiritual but many
people saw it as temporal power,
as well and this is not the pope
to go for temporal power.
>> fortunately for him the crown
had already been put aside, but
he put aside the throne when he
was -- when he was picked by his
brother cardinals.
instead of sitting on the throne
to receive them, he stood and
received each one of them.
so it is yet another symbol of
his desire not to take on the
trappings of monarchy.
>> he drove back on the bus with
them afterwards.
>> he did, indeed.
they had the big limo for him.
now that he was pope he could
ride a big limo but chose to
ride the minivan with the other
cardinals and yet here we are in