them are not valid.
she tells me if it comes down to
it she is prepared to go back to
>> i have never once spouted a
word of hate.
i've not been hateful.
i've had people yelling and
screaming and cussing me.
>> reporter: kim davis says she
never expected to become a
household name when she started
denying marriage licenses at her
county clerk office.
>> i'm just a normal person that
has been touched by the grace of
god and his mercy and i haven't
always been a good person,
um -- when i -- didn't live for
god, i didn't live for him.
and i was real good at living --
uh -- for the devil.
>> reporter: you've been married
four times.
>> uh-huh.
>> you had children in an
adulterous relationship.
people are calling you a
are you?
>> no.
i'm forgiven.
washed clean.