famous faces endorsed by
companies like red bull,
longines, and barilla i love it
because it has everything
>> reporter: she was training
this week for competition.
>> average day during the
season, i'll ski for probably
five hours and sometime in the
afternoon around 3:00 or 4:00,
i'll do somewhere between an
hour and an hour and a half of
core or agility or mobility or
recovery walk or strength
>> reporter: you've coped men.
now you're coaching women.
what is different about mikaela?
>> well, her drive.
i mean, she outworks everyone.
>> i've worked with athletes
that eight, ten years older and
don't have near the drive she
>> reporter: eileen, her mom who
first put skis on her daughter
for fun traveling with her now
full-time just about every
training session, every race.
>> she was the one who was
willing to give up anything that
she might want to do with her
life to just come with me and