things get more complicated.
marin county's health officer,
dr. matt willis saying phase 1a
of vaccinating health care
workers and residents of nursing
homes will be complete by
come february, people with
pre-existing conditions will be
up along with essential workers
outside of the health care field
like teachers will begin to get
the shot.
by march, the general population
should be eligible for vaccines.
>> if we're able to get up to
70% of people vaccinated across
the community, it will be a
total game changer.
our lives will be different by
the end of this summer.
>> dr. willis says people are
likely to get vaccines from one
of three places, medical
providers, pharmacies or special
events like a drive-through
vaccination clinic.
the pfizer, moderna and
astrazeneca vaccines will
require two doses, so they will
be getting phone
calls, texts and other messaging
to make sure people get the
second shot for full protection.