a new bill proposed by state
assemblywoman buffy wicks.
>> so many people have
experienced backlash when it
comes to testing guidelines and
mask mandates and vaccine
ryan: the bill would ensure a
safer barrier against covid-19.
if it passes, all businesses
would have to require employees
and independent contractors to
get the vaccine.
it comes after the supreme court
ruled against a vaccine mandate
proposed by the biden
administration, but wicks thinks
this one is legal.
>> people are craving stability
and we know enough about the
pandemic that we can make this
happen together.
ryan: the plan, however, is
being met with mixed reviews.
>> i don't like the idea of
government control.
>> i think research should make
your decision, not politics, not
ryan: including some company
executives who think this is an
over step of power.
>> the government is using this