it kicks off at 7:30 at the
hyatt regency in burlingame.
the bad guys are out there
looking for ways to get your
data and your money.
they are called hackers, but did
you know there is more than one
kind of hacker.
the bay area is full of the good
you should be happy they are out
>> a red hat.
maybe what jason spence likes to
wear, but a white hat is what he
likes to call himself.
>> i can call myself a white hat
>> a white hat hacker being an
expert that searches out
weaknesses in websites, networks
and software not with the intent
to exploit them, but get them
>> i do it because it makes the
world a better place.
>> spence is far from the only
one of his kind in the bay area.
>> wherever there engineers, you
will find white hat hackers.
>> the san francisco native is