you're certain you
weren't having
hallucinations alber
i only wish that
were true its been
most disturbing.
i would have called dr
higgins but i didn't
have the opportunity.
i'll call him now.
very good
miss barbara.
[rotary dial]
hello dr higgins
please this is
barbara foster.
not a word to
anybody albert.
oh heavens no
miss barbara.
hello matt look
i'm at fred's-- no
he isn't here.
he took a plane
for st louis.
well that is
well don't be unduly
alarmed it may be only a
passing aberration
we'll see when he gets
back, let me know the
moment he arrives.
and let me warn
you barbara
no matter how strangely he
acts don't antagonize him.
humor him indulge him.
remember you're dealing
with someone who is ill
perhaps very ill.
now you understand now
don't you barbara