to confirmation.
for more we're joined by tracie
potts and democrats seem to have
enough votes to block that this
week so will that be enough?
>> reporter: it may not be
because they may be looking at
what's called the nuclear option
here, lowering the thresholds of
how many votes are needed to get
gorsuch on the u.s. supreme
he cleared committee, now there
are enough democrats willing to
filibuster, something never seen
with a supreme court nominee,
that they could block this
nomination without that rule
take a look.
four democrats bucking the party
so to speak, three from red
states up for re-election.
the other from a home city of
gorsuch, from denver.
all of them saying that they
won't block this nomination.
but 42 other democrats plan to
do just that, forcing,
republicans say, forcing the
party into this nuclear option
where they can essentially
confirm gorsuch without any
democrats on board.
they've got the numbers to do
it, but is that going to pave