health crisis.
michelle udall compared
pornography to the tobacco
industry, saying it is used
pervasively, even by minors.
the bill passed its first hurdle
on its path to a full vote.
utah was the first state in the
country to declare pornography a
public health crisis back in
similar measures have been
passed in 11 states. .
the indiana state department of
health reports that anyone who
may have been exposed to rabies
and should see a health care
provider about getting a
officials say the bat's rabies
status is unknown but so far no
reports of anyone having direct
contact with the animal.
>>> a 15-year-old girl is
literally raising the bar and
smashing records at the same
watch her, florida high school
freshman michaela reeves bench
pressing 360 pounds at the state
championship over the weekend.
yeah, 360.
the florida high school athlete
association says that reeves
broke the state's previous
record by 55 pounds and set a