perez, stay with us.
and culture in mexico city.
with me on comunidad del valle
are the legendary painter artist
carlos perez, and rose
mendoza of dulce vida travel.
welcome to the show.
well, this is pretty awesome.
we do have some
images that y'all sent us,
but tell us where you're
taking them and what they're
experiencing with
your docent here.
rose mendoza: yeah,
so dulce vida travel,
we offer tours to mexico.
we emphasize
heritage and culture.
so we--i asked--reached
out to carlos, who's, you know,
mexican, who--to kind of lead
the tour 'cause he has a
lot of experience within mexico
city with all the museums.
damian: you're probably
jumping at the opportunity,
carlos, knowing your knowledge
of your craft and knowing the
birthplace of where a
lot of this craft came.
carlos perez: well, it's
all a big part of my fabric.
i was born in mexico
city, it's been part
of my life, my career.
and i actually have done quite a
bit of my own travels to mexico