holds some responsibility, but
adding, congress would be
opening itself to a dangerous
standard of using impeachment as
a tool for political revenge
against a private citizen.
>> there is no constitutional
provision permitting the
impeachment for thsole purpose
of removing them from running
for office in the future of
somebody who is no longer
president, who is a citizen.
>> reporter: rob portman of ohio
saying he won't seek re-election
next year, siting the toxic
political climate in washington.
asked whether his decision will
influence his vote on
impeachment --
>> i am going to consider, among
other things, what's best for
our country.
how to help heal our country.
>> overnight majority leader
chuck schumer saying the former
president must be held
>> his act on the 6th was the
most despicable thing any
president has ever done and he
is the worst president ever.
and you cannot just, let's move
>> reporter: so the preparations
begin now.
most of the details of the...