and when albert and his wife
deidre arrived, that's when the
party really began.
>> go albert pujols!
♪ ♪
>> simon: they're not only
they're dressed to the hilt,
aren't they?
guys are in tuxedos.
>> albert pujols: yeah.
tuxedo; nice, nice dress.
it's almost like they want to go
all night long until the next
they don't want the night to be
>> simon: and neither did
♪ ♪
every kid wanted to dance with
albert, and he never said no.
by the end of the evening, he
looked like he'd just finished a
doubleheader in august.
must be the highlight of the
year for them.
>> albert pujols: yeah, and for
me, too.
any time i'm around them, i
enjoy them and have a great
>> simon: this is isabella, and
she's the reason albert got
involved with down syndrome.
albert emigrated to america from
the dominican republic when he
was 16.
he met his wife deidre in kansas
city two years later.