piper protects aircraft at the
traverse city, michigan airport
from birds and other wildlife.
>> go get them.
>> reporter: here he hones in on
ar te near the main runway.
and they take off.
bird strikes can be
but often lead to costly repairs
and forced landings.
piper has been on the job two
you have noticed a difference in
that time?
>> absolutely.
>> reporter: coast guard pilot
lieutenant commander charlie
wilson is one of piper's biggest
>> quite honestly, have i been
to a number of airports, they
usually shotgun, blanks, birds
get used to that, they know it's
s,st a sound, nothing is about
to happen, when you deploy a dog
teat chases after them, they
have that fight or flight
they go running, they remember
>> reporter: brian edwards is
piper's partner.
ofat is the best part of having
piper here with you every day?
>> get to work with my best
friend every day.
h reporter: he has only had
piper for three years.
despite not being...