plants that are toxic,
mistletoe, holly and lilies
very, very toxic and can cause
>> tell us about sf aid.
>> so there's a lot of places
to donate.
i certainly donate to all sorts
of different organizations, but
i wanted to talk about san
francisco aid for animals which
is a really nice place to
donate money because what it
does is if i have a patient
come through that is sick but i
can cure it but that owner
doesn't have the money to pay,
i can apply to sf aid for
animals and ask for money
toward that and then they will
donate to me so you can go
online and donate however much
you want but that money is
pooled towards animals for vets
in san francisco.
>> a nice gift.
>> happy holidays.
>> happy holidays.
good to see you.
for more go, to
if you have a question about
your pet's health and well
meaning, just email, and we'll have
our pet expert give you an
answer every friday right here
at noon.
we'll be right back.