tomorrow's meeting with russian
president vladimir putin.
yesterday he spent some time
with "cbs evening news" jeff
glor at the president's golf
resort in turnberry, scotland.
>> i saw the conversation you
had with jens stoltenberg, which
was a very direct conversation.
as you approach the meetings
with vladimir putin coming up,
do you expect a similar tone?
>> i don't expect anything.
i frankly don't expect... i go
in with very low expectations.
i think that getting along with
russia is a good thing, but it's
possible we won't.
i think we're greatly hampered
by this whole witch-hunt that's
going on in the united states,
the russian witch-hunt, the
rigged situation.
i watched some of the testimony,
even though i'm in europe, of
strzok, and i thought it was a
disgrace to our country.
i thought it was an absolute
disgrace where he wants to do
things against me before i was
even... i guess before i was
even the candidate.
it was a disgrace.
and then he lied about it.
and, you know,...