were quote "grossly inadequate."
jeffrey brown has more.
>> brown: the highly critical
report came three months after
the deadly september 11th attack
on the u.s. consulate in
benghazi, libya, that left
ambassador chris stevens and
three other americans dead.
former ambassador thomas
pickering and admiral mike
mullen, a former chairman of the
joint chiefs of staff chaired
the outside accountability
review board.
they spoke at the state
>> frankly, the state department
had not given benghazi the
security, both physical and
personnel resources, it needed.
>> certain state department
bureau level senior officials in
critical positions of authority
and responsibility in washington
demonstrated a lack of
leadership and management
>> brown: overall, the report
found that systemic failures and
leadership and management
deficiencies resulted in a
security posture that was
inadequate for benghazi and
grossly inadequate to deal with
the attack that took place.
earlier, mullen and...