security agency's internet
surveillance is an effective
tool against terrorism.
the "privacy and civil liberties
oversight board," a group
appointed by the president,
said the so-called "prism"
program, under a provision of
the foreign intelligence
surveillance act, "section 702,"
is constitutional.
david medine chairs the board.
>> overall the board has found
that the information the program
collects has been valuable and
effective in protecting the
national security and producing
valuable foreign intelligence
outside of this fundamental
core, certain aspects of the
section 702 program do raise
privacy concerns and push the
program close to the line of
constitutional reasonableness.
>> woodruff: the panel's report
on internet surveillance
contrasted sharply with its
earlier finding on phone data
it said that effort lacked a
viable legal foundation and
should be shut down.
the federal department of
homeland security is moving to
increase security at...