he isn't an intellectual like
john adams or jefferson, he
isn't a great orator like
patrick henry, he isn't a
brilliant napoleonic figure,
he's a leader and people will
follow him and he has absolute
integrity and he will not give
up and he never forgets what
it's about, what the war is for.
again and again, you have people
saying that they're not going to
quit because i will not leave
this good man, you know.
we have to remember, at one
point, it was down to 3,000
troops, that's all he had left.
hundreds, thousands had either
quit, gone home when their
enlistments expired, deserted,
went to the enemy.
>> charlie: because they were
given pardons.
>> absolutely.
and people in new jersey, when
washington and the army were
retreating across new jersey,
when the general and the british
commanders offered pardons for
anybody who would sign the
loyalty oath, people in
new jersey came by the thousands