all places not here in silicon
valley but that are called magic
leap working on some stuff
they've been very secretive
about, very apple but sounds
like incredible and it's ability
to sort of make you feel that
virtual things are in the room
with you.
i totally agree if i were apple
i would have my own team
developing that or buy magic
leap in a hurry.
>> google has a lot of money in
magic leap and on the board of
magic leap.
>> rose: hoorls the most
impressive, facebook or google
in terms of looking at company
development and scooping up the
>> i think it's facebook.
>> rose: instagram being a
good example.
>> what's happened is the only
way you disrupt a giant like
facebook as dominance in its
field is to wait for the next
paradigm to come along.
for this paradigm in mobile, you
can't beat facebook.
but if something new comes along
maybe then there's the
opportunity to do it.
so mark zuckerberg says do you
know what this virtual reality
might be the next paradigm i'm