it's a choice too far.
>> nawaz: fred deutsch is the
president of south dakota right
to life.
he ss the state's current
restrictions have helped prevent
abortions, and he's hopeful that
sueme court nominee judge
brett kavanaugh will be the
justice to help reverse roe v.
>> obviously, i'd like to see
the supreme court revisit roe.
i'm hopeful that if roe is
potentially overturned, i hope
that the decisiomaking can
come back to the states, so each
state can make their own
>> states started limiting
access to abortion as soon as
the k was dry on roe.
>> nawaz: elizabeth nash says
that while she's worried roe o
might one day rturned, her
bigger concern is that abortion
access is already being
restricted aggressively in many
states across the nation.
>> since january 2011, we've
seen 423 abortion restrictions
enacted in 33 states.
from, you know, virginia to
arizona to south dakota to
it's everywhere.
>> nawaz: soutdakota is one of