accused here and, again,
politics be damned, i just want
to get to the truth, i want to
do my job, and i think the time
is right to do wha
t is right in
this se, and it's right to
investigate this president, t
just to wipe your hands and say,
well, we'll see what happens in
the next election.
this is too serious, too grave.
>> woodruff: it's a
hypothetical now but if
president trump were impeached,
if he consider convicted from
senate and impeached from office
would the democrats have a more
difficult time running against
vice president pence who would
then be president?
>> hi caption democrats as well
as republicans to not let the
elections 13 months from now
enter into your calculations.
this is a procs that needs to
be done in a sober way.
it is a sad thing to have a
president of the united states
have impeachment proceedings
we need to deal with this in a
sober, objective, nonpartisan
i plead to folks to approach it
that way.
let the politics and the
campaigning and --...