maryland's chris van hollen
called the republican plan a
scheme to privatize medicare.
>> the value of the voucher or
the premium support or whatever
you want to call it does not
rise at the rate of health care
inflation, and what the
republican budget does is say to
seniors "you're on your own."
>> reporter: alice rivlin was
bill clinton's budget director,
and worked closely with ryan to
develop the premium support
model for medicare.
rivlin says the key question is
how fast the government allows
those premium support payments
to grow.
>> if the cap is set too tight,
it will be very hard on seniors.
if it is kept too loose and the
program continues to grow much
faster than the economy is
growing, then it is not
so the point is to get a
>> reporter: at its core, house
republicans are proposing a much
more limited and smaller
government, but one that could
pay almost a trillion less in
interest over the next decade.
darren gersh, "nightly...