ben, have you got your stuff?
( garbage disposal rattling )
oh, bloody hell.
has someone been putting forks
down here again?
i've got a headache.
ah, well,
a brisk walk to school,
that's the best thing
for a headache.
i got a tummy ache.
oh, that's a shame.
you always get a tummy ache
on a wednesday, don't you?
it looks like a...
like a mangled...
pair of scissors.
i think
i've got a few viruses
that makes me to ill
to go to school.
no, you're fine.
i'm not fine!
i might be sick.
i can't find my other shoe!
i really am quite poorly.
where did you last see them?
karen: and also i can't find
my hairbrush to brush my hair.
sue; well,
where did you last see it?
( coughs )
nasty little cough
you've got there, ben.
now get your swimming stuff,
it's wednesday.
there's one thing i can't do,
and it's definitely swimming.
could you send them a note?
yep, i can send them a note
saying "ben is pretending
to be ill."