we'll discuss that possibility
next week with paul krugman, the
nobel laureate in economics and
"new york times" columnist whose
bestselling book, "end this
depression now!" calls for full
employment as an alternative to
read it, then send us the
question you would like me to
put to paul krugman.
meanwhile, another reality
beckons and there's a menace
more threatening than the fiscal
cliff ever was.
what should really be scaring
the daylights out of us -- the
crisis which could make all the
others irrelevant -- is global
get this one wrong and it's
over -- not just for the usa,
but for planet earth.
that's the message delivered by
hurricane sandy, and by almost
all the extreme weather of the
past two years.
and here in the first month of
the new year, it's the message
from the most informed
scientists in the world.
they're scared, for real.
and they say that unless we slow
the release of global emissions
from fossil fuels, slow it