assembly district 25, pat
hickey's old district.
>> pleasure to have you on the program. >> thank you.
>> i followed your career being
supporter of rand paul, tea
party express, we know what
position you come from.
you're going to be running
against toles, the establishment
candidate, it appears at this time.
how tough is that going to be?
>> it is a challenge.
i think we're up for the
challenge, this is going to be a
tough race, we are doing well
on doors and we are going to be
hitting the streets.
i think that is going to make
the difference is getting out
and talking to the voters.
that is something that i'm
excited to do and like i said,
we've started that.
it is going well, i think we're
going to make a good race of it.
i am glad, actually, to not be
considered part of the current
establishment and glad to be the
underdog in this.
>> do you think that -- i know
you're against the commerce tax
that has passed.
do you think this is going to be
something that we'll actually