vp spot congresswoman karen
bass and senators tammy
duckworth and kamala harris
also made the short list all
of us are leaders regardless
of that the title we call
south carolina democrat
congressman jim cliburn is
talking to biden ahead of the
announcement which is expected
to come any day now i think
the vice president is doing
what they ought to do.
>>and that is allowing is that
is to do that work. the couple
and that is necessary and then
when you go through the
results of all of that. you
let your heart and you had to
go cliburn isn't dropping any
hints about who he thinks
biden should pick.
>>the trump campaign tells me
there isn't anyone they think
will make a difference in the
race republican national
committee spokesperson, liz
harrington says all of the
options are out of touch with
america i think his short
>>has shown.
>>they are not shying away
whatsoever from the left wing
fringe of their party biden is
expected to announce his
running mate before the