>> he refused.
we did meet in the white house with many high-ranking officials
but he did not see us.
>> reporter: and no one in the
about to happen.
u.s. special forces, which have
carried out a number of
successful high-risk rescue
missions, like this one, had
been authorized to launch a
secret rescue operation for
kayla and some 18 other
hostages. >> it turned out that the
hostages were no longer at that
location. >> reporter: it was a dry hole.
they just missed them.
operation at significant risk to
rescue not only her, but the
other individuals that had been
held, and probably missed them by a day or two.
>> reporter: one week later, in
>> we got a nasty e-mail from
isis that said because of what
your arrogant government
attempted to do, your daughter
has 30 days to live.
>> if you fail to meet this deadline we will send you a