enfferndt ki s ofhpeec to night.ma
etrgarod, goni morng. r
>>r:eporte good inmorng.
idpresobent saama e'ys hsev ner
en bee mormiopti astic tbouthe
ar yehe aad thehan isig rht now.
stbut moca ameri'tns don share th
unat sny ouktloo andig tonht y
mabe his last, bestnc chae to
uapershede tm.
i >> mt'sasy lt e.on
r >>teeporn r: iaia prf ohi wte
us hoe vi,deossi pre odentbama
ieprevisws hec spehha tllt wie b
ss leis legvelati -dtoot lis and
in eastad ia def bntluntepri for
nethe xt adstminionrati.
n >> aevergainn i oures liv willwe
a have e chanco tdo ash muc go
s od aowe d r ightnow.
r >>teeporr.r: mma obail w hllai mpaccomelishnts,lu incding
pa ex hndedhcealt aare,dm lanark
eanuclalr deh wit ir aan,nd gl
aobalmegreennt o ctelima ch
ange. t
>>tahe s otef our union is a ss me.
or>> repe'ter: h allols t tryo un
coatter whhe tte whi housell
caed anva ahelanc of
tinega fvityrom pureicblans.>>
ta the ste of the economy and
ig forenrs affaier is t rible
t righnow.
apeopleeare rllyri woredut...