>> good samaritans dove
beneath the surface to help.
some freeing a teenage
passenger, strapped to his
>> though didn't stop.
up and down.
>> couple of boats came over,
guys came in trying to help
the guys bring the people up.
>> all five people on board
were rescued, taken away in
ambulances, 16 year old
crushed to the hospital in
critical condition.
eyewitness hads to cash fuel,
others still in shock,
thinking how close this
helicopter came to the
visitors center's lawn.
>> looked like the chop we are
come over the land, tried to
pull it back over the water,
dropped maybe 10-foot off
shore and sang like a rock.
>> navy says it belong to
aviation, which conduct
helicopter tours.
some eyewitnesses say they saw
smoke coming from the back of
that helicopter before it
the fa a and the ntsb will