some of the most picturesque
landscapes on earth
owe their existence
to glaciers.
there are many examples--
spectacular mountain ranges
such as the alps,
the himalayas,
and the rockies
were sculpted by
repeated glaciation.
yosemite valley,
here in the sierra
nevada mountains,
would have been another
nondescript river valley
if glaciers hadn't carved it
to its present shape.
many of the world's
most beautiful lakes
were gouged out
of hard rock by glaciers,
including north america's
great lakes
and the famous lochs
of scotland.
even the great expanses
of rich agricultural soils
that blanket china
and the soviet union,
canada and
the united states
owe their existence
to glaciers.
moving glacial ice
pulverizes the underlying rock
into silt-sized fragments.
this silt was
eventually transported
and concentrated
by the wind
into the vast
fertile soils of today.
early scientists
didn't really appreciate
the important geological
role of glaciers.
even geologists were
convinced that...