a buddy of mine started talking
to me about lifting.
just got into it more it's more
of take out my frustrations.
that's more of it than anything.
it's a stress reliever.
>> we work everything.
all week long.
you hit every body part at least
like on monday you have a bench
tuesday you might do shoulders
lats and traps.
wednesday you do arms and
thursday you might have another
heavy bench day.
you've got a leg day somewhere
in there.
>> in the survival of the
fittest environment the weight
yard is one of the few places
where inmates can find
>> let's get another one.
push it.
push it.
push it.
>> that right there is 215
>> that's a lot of weight.
>> yeah.
i only weigh 170.
about double my weight.
a lot of these guys have
motivation to lift that kind of
get off the bar.
get off the bar.