the security checkpoint at the
palestine and sheraton hotels,
home to western journalists and
one of the most fortified
compounds in baghdad.
it's also where carl was heading
for a meeting.
>> there was a car that was
behind us.
and the car that was behind us
swerved from behind us and kept
going down that road and headed
straight for that checkpoint.
and that was the second suicide
and we were actually about to
drive right into that.
>> seconds later, the car that
passes them explodes.
>> it felt like the bomb came
from underneath the floorboards.
i said to myself, i can't
believe we're about to die.
i said, i -- i was just angry,
and i was just incredulous, so
to speak.
and the tree that we were
underneath was on fire.
>> but the attack isn't over.
and the biggest explosion is yet
to come.
manning a machine gun at the
checkpoint is specialist darrell
>> at that time, they -- the
cement mixer was trying to come
through our perimeter.
>> a huge cement mixer filled