cops, teenager went for his gun.
and an unnamed police source
says martin knocked him down
with a punch to the nose,
repeatedly slammed his head on
the ground, and tried to take
his gun.
this information is being leaked
by an unnamed police source and
is coming from what george
zimmerman said.
we cannot confirm any of this
from fact.
this comes a day an unnamed
police source leaked to the
tlornd orlando sentinel that
says trayvon martin decked him
with one blow then began
hammering his head.
also that trayvon was suspended
interest school after being
found with an empty marijuana
all this, all this information
comes from unnamed police
and from the shooter's mouth.
what does the acting sanford
police chief have to say when
asked about these leaks?
>> as of right now, there's
nothing to report on that.
>> nothing to report on that.
the suspensions, book bag,
graffiti, none of that really
what really matters is what
happened that night.
trayvon was unarmed,...