receives the call.
>> he needs backup to finish his
task but it's not an emergency
he's got things under control.
>> as callvert heads to the
scene, officer seiter has otto
coleman to exit his vehicle so
he can perform a search.
>> step on out.
>> what's the problem, sir?
>> step on out.
>> once mr. coleman gets out of
the vehicle you can kind of see
him kind of looking around.
it's almost like someone is
looking around to see if there's
any witnesses to see who is
going to see what happens next.
>> what happens next is
>> sir turn around.
>> he latched on to me.
he grabbed me.
the fight was on.
>> i tried to retreat from him.
he held me close to him.
he was not fighting to get away.
he was fighting to hurt me.
>> coleman grabs for the
officer's taser and then reaches