>> in the case of today's
argument on doma, the marriage
labeling could not be more
section 3 of the 1996 23er8 law
defining marriage as strictly
between a man and a wo prohibit
legally wed same-sex couples
from receiving many of the same
federal benefits as straight
married couples.
ediwindsor, her case is before
the court.
she had to pay $363,000 in
federal estate tax when is her
spouse the aeismt spire died in
she would have been exempt from
those taxes if the law
recognized her as the next of
bill clinton signed doma under
pressure from republicans in
"new york times" report that mr.
clinton was unwilling to risk
his reelection by vetoes it.
earlier this morning, he
acknowledged the blemish, saying
that doma was a relic from an
earlier era while its time has
today's d opt ma arguments