i remember when president
clinton had dr. john hope
franklin lead a commission on a
we need to go from conversation
to legislation.
just having nice conversation
and leaving thins the way they
are will only bring us back to
this opponent all over again.
>> how about this, though, do
the comments by the president on
friday, does that help energize
this nation to get this
lawmakers, they heard it?
>> no doubt about it.
i was glad he mentioned state
we're preparing for 50th
anniversary to march on
washington, martin luther king
iii organizing a whole
continuation rally around that.
don't forget the march on
legislation in '63 was to get
legislation, jobs and freedom,
led to the '64 civil rights act
and '65 voting rights act.
the move in '13 must be to get
the congress in '14 and '15 to
deal with preserving voter
rights which has now been very
much impacted by the supreme