prison landed him in corcoran's
secured housing unit, the shu, a
24-hour lockdown, reserved for
only the most dangerous inmates.
but galvin told us that his
predatory ways began on the
streets of fresno.
>> i used to kidnap people and
hold them for ransom.
like, you know, you've got the
college kids out there, you know
they've got money, they're in
so you know, you just take one
of them.
>> how?
>> by force.
>> how?
>> just grab them by the neck
and put them in the car, you
have them call their parents and
have them wire money to an
you know, that's about it.
after that you let them go, if
they put the money in the bank.
>> if they don't?
>> that's a different story, you
>> how does that story end?
>> bad.
i'm in here for kidnapping,
ransom, and murder.
so that kind of bad, you know?
>> galvin's last kidnapping
ended beyond that.