their 20s, 30s, and 40s that
moved to alexandria, virginia,
or maryland just -- there's no
room, affordable housing in d.c.
we'll have to see how it plays
>> this bill was introduced by
congressman darrell issa, one of
the wealthiest congressmen on
the hill.
i agree with him on some issues.
he has taken a stand on some
privacy issues.
there are moments of common
ground there.
>> what do you think, robert?
>> one of the best little
nuggets of republican gossip on
capitol hill is that darrell
issa may be eyeing a
presidential bid in 2016, so who
knows how this current
legislation fits into that
possible calculus.
we'll see.
>> of course, the final big
predict story of the day,
congressman michael grim
surrendered to the fbi today and
then was subsequently released